
May 2024: New preprint on “Low-rank finetuning for LLMs: A fairness perspective” out on ArXiV

May 2024: Selected to participate in the AI-SCORE (Artificial Intelligence School for Computer Science and Operations Research Education) Summer School at UMD.

May 2024: Paper accepted at ICML-24: “Disparate Impact on Group Accuracy of Linearization for Private Inference”

Jan 2024: New preprint on the “Disparate Impact on Group Accuracy of Linearization for Private Inference” out on ArXiV.

Dec 2023: Accepted to the AAAI-24 Student Scholarship Program and got offered a grant for attending AAAI-24. Thanks, AAAI!

Dec 2023: I will deliver a student talk at the NIST CRC Workshop on the privacy and fairness of Census data releases.

Dec 2023: Paper accepted at AAAI-24 Paper on “Finding ε and δ of Traditional Disclosure Control Systems” accepted to AAAI-24!

Dec 2023: Paper titled “Examining Deidentified Data Quality using NIST Datasets and Tools” accepted to the NIST CRC Workshop 2023 (non-archival).

Nov 2023: Serving as a reviewer for PPAI-24.

Sep 2023: Serving as a program committee member for AAAI-24.

Aug 2023: Started at UVA as a CS PhD student in the RAISE Group.